Gambling addiction is a psychological addiction, unlike drugs which become a physical dependency. There are always contact details in casinos and also online sites that display help lines for those who want help. I say WANT rather than NEED because this is a step the addict must take of their own volition.
When entering a casino your mind is attacked with bright flashing lights and an upbeat tempo, shouts of winners can be heard from the floor, the machines play winning tunes on the slots and huge blinking signs show mega jackpots waiting to be won, but the winners are few and far between. With the economy tight the average Joe is looking to gain a little bit more disposable income, whether it is to buy his kids something new, his wife that special gift or his girl friend that diamond engagement ring, but sadly for the vast majority they go home having spent the rent or grocery money.
In Pittsburgh, USA, the Rivers Casino made $300 million between January and June of this year. The State of Pennsylvania makes $750 000 a day out of the casinos, would they close the casinos for your addiction. I don’t think so. Also they do a lot of good with that income, one is reduced tax rates on property.
I am aware of people who have lost their homes through this addiction, but I do believe it is the responsibility of each and every one of us to take the responsibility, and if you want to gamble, then gamble with money NOT allocated to pay bills. It can be fun, but know your limits.